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Thriving - Juvenile Criminal Defense

The problem

Influenced by media images, pressured by peers, or scarred from being victims of violence, innocent children lash out and begin heading down a path of destruction. Labeled as "juvenile delinquents" by law enforcement, these children begin defining themselves by their poor decisions and submerge themselves in an illicit culture.  Battered self-esteem, poverty, and a lack of social support worsen their condition, propelling them deeper into the culture. Without positive interventions, they commit repeat offenses and risk being trapped in the justice system indefinitely.

Our response

Our firm understands from experience that “juvenile delinquents” are youth misunderstood by society. Each of our attorneys has interacted with youth in one or more of the following roles: defense attorney, prosecutor, mentor, teacher, confidant, minister, friend, or parent. We will:

  • Demand justice and rulings that are in the best interest of a youth’s long-term success.
  • See the hopeful kid behind the “juvenile delinquent” label and work with her to develop a path of healing.
  • Connect her to a healthy group of peers.
  • Provide resources and support for character building. ​​